Here's to the Hurricane Girls
"You are a hurricane of a girl; remember to breathe once in a while; and do not drown within your own storm."
I know you, the soul who is always trying to reach her hands out to heal all the hurt she feels pressured to heal. Your eyes flit around and you see everyone basking in the resplendent rays of optimism while tossing tassels of carefree antics around like confetti and you just wonder. You may be perplexed as to why you're the only one with marred arms; why you foolishly choose to extend your fingers out to interlock with everyone's demons when you have yet to fight your own. Because that's who you are my dear fighter, the feisty fixer. As the world tries to stifle your will to heal the hurt and fill the gaps around you, though it gets hella lonely, your sonic heart engulfs the doubts as you shove it aside with your well memorised list of Pinterest quotes of self-empowerment. "I'll show them, I'll show me." "Let me tell the tale of a girl who didn't stop; Who climbed every mountain Without a pause upon the top She's dance until each blade of grass was clothed in drops of dew, and the sun knew her by name but the silver moon did too. For fear settled in her bones - a fear of sitting still - that if you're not moving forward, it must mean you never will. So in time her dance got slower and she looked at all she'd seen, but found gaps inside the places she had never fully been. Human moving, human seeing, but she had never taken time to simply be a human being." "However, also remind yourself that you are not invincible. Your heart needs rest. You need rest. Remind yourself that you do not need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, that you may not be able to save everyone, that you may not be able to heal every hurt. Remind yourself that you deserve to take all of the energy you put out into the world and invest it back into yourself from time to time. That you are worthy of the love you keep giving to everyone else. Remind yourself, that you don’t always have to be strong, that you don’t always have to be the fixer. Remind yourself that you can be human, that you can ask for help; that you don’t always have to be the one to save yourself." I know you are the angel face who is trying her darnedest to spread herself as thin as her metamorphic ED wants her to do. To possibly make up for all the years of failure and disappointment you feel you have accumulated in the years you couldn't come close to stammering to a moderate level of emotional stability. It is almost as if you feel that every grade and every lack of productivity in the years when you struggled to get out of bed has to smashed with a perfect ensemble of comebacks in this new afterlife you have crafted from the ashes. Let me tell you darling, you don't have to do it all. Forgive yourself for not helping the atoms of Pluto when you're firmly implanted on the seas of earth.
Your feet are rooted firm in the seabeds, with corals blocking your escape from the insistent fishing nets dragging your own healing down. As you glance as far as your eyes allow into the universe that governs you, remember to look down at your feet and periodically smash the rocks threatening to haul you back into the hellfire. Before you use the telescope, try looking into the microscope of your own soul to look for the bacteria plaguing your own healing first.
In times when you feel like breaking, I hope that you get afflicted with the appropriate fleeting of short-sightedness. I hope that this break you very much deserve allows you time to put on your long-sighted eye gear. I hope you know that this is the time for you to take off your cape and allow wonder woman to come save you after you've gripped onto that coveted title for so long. Now, you can limit the range of tasks that you feel that you need to complete. Let this temporal myopia grant you permission to break and isolate from the macro mania of society as you cast your eyes on things that are within reasonability of fulfilling. Because babe, you are only human and you don't have to do it all nor beat yourself up for failing to have it all checked off your impossible to-do list. In the galaxy of gargantuan complexity and overthinking, I hope you know that you are not the moon that orbits the planets, serving to hide behind the sun for it to shine. I hope you know that you are also the rings of Saturn because you have the ability to make souls feel like they are something more and also that you are more importantly the sun when you feel like cracking into the nebulas. Crash if you must, for the other nubivagant elements of stardust will always find its way to scintillate around you majestic shard of Esperance.